Nathan Bailey

Nathan Bailey

Latin American Studies

Nathan Bailey
He is a 12th grade student from Miramonte High School. His goal is to major in Latin American Studies.

Nathan has completed courses on Law & Society and has studied public policy issues in Peru and the Dominican Republic. He is also an active competitor in speech and debate events, frequently addressing policy-based issues and arguments. Beyond academics, Nathan is a campus leader and a talented lacrosse and football player.

University admission result

★ The University of Texas at Austin

Learning objectives

  • To Determine reasons autocratic leaders can override needs of indigenous communities.
  • To determine what alternatives indigenous communities can pursue other than overturning autocrats in armed rebellion.

What challenges did he face?

  • The biggest challenge for Nathan was to balance his obligations of sports, family, friendships and completing this mentorship program.

How did our program help him?

  • Nathan received advice from his mentor on which journals and publishers to submit his research paper to for publication.
  • Through the mentorship program, Nathan managed to value add to his resume and got admitted to The University of Texas at Austin.

Student mentorship reflection

“I sincerely enjoyed this experience and am indebted to my mentor for her guidance and support. I am submitting the paper to the journals/publishers that my mentor provided for me just in case someone is interested. It would be so exciting to get published! Regardless, I learned so much from this process and really appreciate the time and encouragement of my mentor. I will absolutely be focusing in college on Latin American Studies and hope to continue my research on Peru going forward.”

Matched professor in Government Public Policy:

The mentor is a lecturer at the Sanford School of Public Policy, Duke University. Prior to this, she was an Editor and Reporter for Contra Coasta Times where she designed and wrote for the Religion and Ethics segment weekly.

Excerpts from the student’s work

Excerpt from the student’s final research paper on “Fractured Foundations: Investigating the Sources and Possible Solutions for Political Instability and Indigenous Communities’ Protests in Peru”

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