Ishika Madhok

Ishika Madhok

Data Science Project

Ishika Madhok
She is a graduate student from National Institute of Technology. Her goal in this mentorship program is to gain more academic experience in Data Science

Ishika is currently working as a Data Analyst for Novartis. She is an aspiring graduate applicant for MS in Data Science. Her goal in this mentorship program is to gain more academic experience in Data Science, which will be invaluable in shaping his academic and professional journey.

University admission result

★ Cornell University

Learning objectives

  • During each session, the mentor assigned both conceptual and programming tasks to the student. Additionally, Ishika was required to finalize a project incorporating the materials covered in the sessions.
  • The program’s objective was to impart fundamental concepts of data science, with the aim of enabling the student to achieve expertise in working with and analyzing diverse datasets through the application of statistical tools.

What challenges did she face?

  • As some concepts in the course were unfamiliar, and Ishika had not encountered similar ideas before, understanding the concepts initially posed a challenge. Nevertheless, she managed to have a better grasp after some guidance from her mentor.

How did our program help her?

  • Ishika wanted a taste of the teaching methodology abroad before applying for her Master’s program in the US.
  • The program’s objective was to impart fundamental concepts of data science, with the aim of enabling the Ishika to achieve expertise in working with and analyzing diverse datasets through the application of statistical tools.
  • Ishika was offered a place at Cornell University in Master of Professional Studies (MPS) in Information Science.

Matched Professor

The mentor is a Postdoctoral Research Scientist at Columbia University. His research interests include Data Science, Statistics, Applied Mathematics, Theoretical Mathematics and Pure Mathematics.

Ishika demonstrated dedication as a diligent student, expressing enthusiasm and a keen interest in learning the course materials. She excelled in all the assignments for the course and effectively accomplished the course project.

Mentor from Columbia University

Excerpts from student’s research work

Excerpts from Ishika’s Python projects on Data Science topics

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