Carson Cai

Carson Cai

Carson Cai

Residence: Wuxi, China
School: Jiangsu province Tianyi High School
Intended major: Economics
Age during program: 11th grade

Carson’s main interest is in economics. In school, he is in the Economics Club where he mentor younger students. He also volunteers in an organization where his focus is analyzing poverty through economic lens.

What challenges did he face?

  • This is his first time writing a 4,000 word academic essay. Although he has many ideas, he still needed to learn the ‘proper’ way and flow of writing an academic research paper.

Matched professor:

A Deputy Head of School, Undergraduate Program Director and Senior Teaching Fellow in the Department of Economics at University of Surrey.

How did our program help him?

  • Already armed with good English writing skills, the program has helped him developed primary research skills at the undergraduate level.
  • Carson now has an academic internship experience to put on his resume for his college application.

Below is part of an example work done during the program:

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