Aisha Sarraf

Aisha Sarraf

Aisha Sarraf

City of residence: India
Intended Major:
Computer Science
Age during program:
Grade 12

An enthusiastic student, Aisha is a high achiever, very intellectually curious, and always went above and beyond. She is always excited by the subject and always attentive.

What challenges did she face?

  • Aisha would like to gain some experience into computer science which wasn’t taught in school.
  • Aisha was having a bit of problem with data collection and parameter citation during the course.

Matched professor:

A research assistant professor at Tufts University who has won multiple scientific awards.

How did our program help her?

  • We set Aisha up in a 2-month program with the professor focusing on artificial neural networks.
  • Aisha also used Python to construct simple, but effective, artificial neurons

Below is part of an example work done during the program:

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