Lily Lin

Lily Lin

Finance Research Student

Lily Lin
Lily is a 19th years old undergraduate student at University of Florida. She would like to apply for a Finance Master’s degree.

She is a smart and outspoken student. Currently an undergraduate student at University of Florida, her goal is to transfer to transfer to a selective university the following year.

University Acceptance

★ University of Southern California

Overall structure

  • Introduction to concepts of statistics, using the first chapters of the text Intro Stats.
  • Introduction to the statistics programming language/environment R/RStudio for finance research.
  • Understand linear regression modeling and its use to fit the Capital Asset Pricing Model with asset returns of stocks and and market returns for the US equity market.

What challenges did she face?

  • She would like to transfer to a selective university but needed to build a stronger portfolio to increase her chance of acceptance.
  • She decided to work on a finance research mentorship program.

How did our program help her?

  • She was able to gain a deeper finance learning and statistics programming language, using open source data analysis software to analyze stocks.
  • She was provided with case study notes from the professor to enhance her learning even further.

Matched professor in Finance research:

A Mathematics lecturer in MIT, he has been an investment manager, exploiting advanced statistical analytics to manage a variety of investment programs.

Recommendation letter

Based on your knowledge of this student, would you recommend this student to selective universities?

Yes, Lily is very bright, hard-working, and communicates extremely well with honesty and sincerity. Lily was always well prepared having read the text chapters  and having the Rstudio materials ready to use in our sessions.  I am impressed with her maturity as evidenced thorough our discussion of the topics.

Statistics and Financial Mathematics Lecturer from MIT

Excerpts from the student’s work

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