Cohen Kowalski

Cohen Kowalski


Cohen Kowalski
He is an 11th grade student from Radnor High School. He is interested in psychology and sociology.

Cohen is in the top 2% of his class (4.05 GPA, 1580 SAT). To gain more exposure in his field of interest, he took a Neuroeconomics course at Brown University last summer. For this mentorship program, he is especially interested in researching the intersection between mental health and eating disorders.

University admission result

★ University of Pennsylvania

Learning objectives

  • Getting to know the student and identifying areas of interest, developing and designing a research question, conducting a literature review, researching and finding relevant sources on the topic, reading and discussing studies and literature, outlining a research paper, and writing a research paper.

What challenges did he face?

  • Cohen had a busy schedule and was working to meet several academic demands. The most difficult aspect of the program was finding time for this additional project. He did persevere and he overcame these challenges

How did our program help him?

  • Cohen has learnt a lot that goes into writing a research paper: identifying areas of interest, developing and designing a research question, conducting a literature review, researching and finding relevant sources on the topic, reading and discussing studies and literature, outlining a research paper, and writing a research paper.
  • Cohen completed his research paper on the topic “A Cultural Analysis of Anorexia Nervosa”.
  • Through Cohen’s strong performance, his mentor will write recommendation letters to selective universities

Matched Professor

The mentor is a lecturer in Urban Studies and Sociology at University of Pennsylvania, where he teaches Urban Health and Criminal Justice. He is passionate in the research areas of health, criminal justice, gender, social psychology, and the military.

Cohen is very personable and down-to-earth. He was humble and also open-minded. I hope to teach more students like Cohen. He is comfortable speaking up, asking questions, and asking for what he needs. I enjoyed working with Cohen and appreciated his organized, thorough approach to inquiry and tasks.

Mentor from University of Pennsylvania

Excerpts from student’s work

Excerpts of student’s research paper on “A Cultural Analysis of Anorexia Nervosa”

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