Hailey Nash

Hailey Nash


Hailey Nash
She is a 10th grade student from Plymouth Whitemarsh High School. She is interested to pursue a research on feminism.

Hailey’s primary academic interests are psychology, philosophy and sociology. She is in the top of her class with a 3.96GPA. Hailey has studied topics such as intersectional feminism and ethics of current world events in her independent studies for the past two years.

University admission result

★ University of Pennsylvania

Learning objectives

  • Getting to know the student
  • To build analytic, research, and writing skills in the social sciences.
  • Identifying areas of interest, developing and designing a research question, conducting a literature review, researching and finding relevant sources on the topic
  • Reading and discussing studies and literature, outlining a research paper, and writing a research paper.

What challenges did she face?

  • Hailey is interested in many topics related to feminism, social justice, and social science. It meant that she landed on a specific project a bit later. Her final paper would have benefited from a bit more time together with her mentor.

How did our program help her?

  • Hailey learnt everything about research writing: developing and designing a research question, conducting a literature review, researching and finding relevant sources on the topic, reading and discussing studies and literature, outlining a research paper, and writing a research paper.

Matched Professor

The mentor is a lecturer in Urban Studies and Sociology at University of Pennsylvania, where he teaches Urban Health and Criminal Justice. He is passionate in the research areas of health, criminal justice, gender, social psychology, and the military.

Hailey is a very strong student who cares a great deal about her community, her peers, and her studies. I very much enjoyed working with Hailey and appreciated her organized, thorough approach to inquiry and tasks.

Mentor from University of Pennsylvania

Excerpts from student’s work

Excerpt from student’s final research paper on ‘How an intersectional lens can better inform (improve) the work/organizing of high school students doing advocacy work on modern feminist issues pertaining to the discipline of female bodies?”

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