Data analysis in subway networks
Freddy is a 10th grade student who embarked on a mentorship program on data analysis in subway networks.
Freddy is a student at one of the best international schools in Shanghai. He has high grades and is passionate about biology (neuroscience, DNA, environmental science). He is also into coding and has taken courses in Python and attended a Java summer program at Columbia.
University admission result
Learning objectives of the program on Data Analysis in Subway Networks
- To establish how complex systems, like cities, friendships, and cells, can all be represented as networks, and statistically analyzed.
- Analyze two different systems in Python, so we covered how to import networks in Python and how they are represented in Python, along with some important Python packages like numpy and scipy which are widely used in many applications.
- To transform the NYC subway system into a network and comparing it to the Shanghai network to measure how efficient the two networks are.
What challenges did he face?
- Though he has an interest for biology and coding, he has not acquired the skills necessary to conduct data analysis with real world applications.
How did our program help him?
- We set him on a 2-month program centered on using Python 3 to analyze networks.
- For his independent project in the program, he analyzed and represented the efficiency and properties of the subway systems of Shanghai and NYC using Python.
- The professor helped him explore deeply into the general principles of Python 3 to modeling such as the biological systems.
- The professor agreed to write a Letter of Recommendation for Freddy.
Matched professor:
A research assistant professor at Tufts University who has won multiple scientific awards.
Recommendation letter
“Yes, I would recommend Freddy to selective universities due to his enthusiasm and big picture approach, as well as his specific research interests. Freddy was eager to learn, attentive, and also very professional. He was enthusiastic about the process and introduced many ideas and areas to explore himself.“
Mentor from Tufts University