Anna Zhu

Anna Zhu

Structural Engineering Research

Anna is a 10th grade student from St. James School. She is interested in a Structural Engineering mentorship program.

Anna is in the top 10% of her cohort in terms of GPA grade. She is interested in structural engineering and she’s also a member of the Maker Club in school. Her goal is to be accepted into either Swarthmore College or Northeastern University.

What challenges did she face?

  • She had many ideas and interests in structural engineering and needed help to focus on one topic that is not only of interest to herself, but also is a global trend topic.
  • Getting familiarized with the open source tool Build-X for Seismic Analysis and Assessment of 3D Buildings.

How did our program help her?

  • Our program helped her to solve the above challenges she met and helped her to be a critical thinker

Matched professor:

An Associate Scientist and Professor at Johns Hopkins University where he teaches Natural Disaster Risk Modeling. He is also a member of the American Wind Energy Association – the national trade association for the U.S. wind industry. 

Recommendation letter

“I would recommend Anna to selective universities. She still has two more years of high school though, where she will learn even more skills!

She was engaged in the sessions and was very responsible with the assignments. She got a comprehensive overview of structural engineering as a career and successfully acquired knowledge in some technical aspects that will hopefully help her to decide her next steps as a College student.

Mentor from Johns Hopkins University

Below is part of an example work done during the program:

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